I told you about my bodacious rental mom-van with freight-like storage. And Amber, a mother of two, emailed me with this snippet concerning car seats following fender-benders.
She provided this informative link: http://www.nhtsa.gov/people/injury/childps/ChildRestraints/ReUse/RestraintReUse.htm
Here's what Amber has to say:
When Katie was 2 or 3 I was rear-ended and replaced the car seat. (Well, I added it on to the insurance claim, so the at-fault driver's insurance replaced the seat). Insurance companies will handle a claim like this (as in, the car seat) and still consider it part of the auto insurance (as opposed to theft of items in the car, which is generally handled by homeowner's/property insurance).
Good to know, Amber!
Wow - I didn't know that about car seat replacement! I have to update our policies anyway, so I'll definitely be adding car seat coverage to our auto insurance. It makes a lot of sense, especially now that so many more kids are using safety seats since the Ohio law changed earlier this year. Thanks for sharing! --Lauren